Treelink Treelink Treelink Treelink Treelink Treelink Treelink Treelink


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Get connected with the
most advanced and comprehensive!

Treelink is an innovative and disruptive technology company, dedicatedly working to deliver joy, advantage and success for people through and by the continuous pursuit of excellence in internet services. Our vision is to revolutionise broadband services in India by providing simple-to-understand yet state-of-the-art services that will enable people of our country to do so much more in their daily lives, thereby bringing them unprecedented advantage through amazing products and services, the joy of powerful and easy to evaluate plans, which ultimately contributes to their success.


What People are Saying

I have used Treelink Wifi for over 5 years for the development. As a web developer I need a reliable service with technical help when needed, that I do not have to wait days for. Treelink fulfil all these requirements and more.

Abdul Shaikh

Web Developer

Aftercare has been superb, friendly team that's always has happy to help, have recommended them to friends who also agree that treelink are superb! Thank you so much Treelink and team. Great company to communicate with and identified my issues.

Sumith Jadhav

Software Engineer

I received the router within the promised five working days. Am getting speeds of up to 100Mbps download and 100Mbps upload. Signal steady and reliable. Our grandson who likes some hefty gaming is even happy with good strong levels upstairs and down.

Arman Khan

Developer Lead

Broadband speed is good, got three kids and we can all stream and video call at once. The router has 5G aswell as traditional cable, so can put different devices on the separate connections. Stream/video call using the 5G network on the router, brilliant!

Snehal Thar

Marketing Manager